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Rasti-Mec / Super Mec / Rasti Técnico

These are all the same plastic construction system made in Argentina by Knittax Argentina S.A.. (Note that the company also made Rasti - a system similar to Lego which had originated in Germany) No nuts and bolts are used, instead the parts are joined by the RAPI-CLICK joint, which consists of two parts - Expansion Sheath (Vaina de Expansión) and Expansion Bolt (Perno de Expansión). There are two lengths of the Expansion Bolt, in different colours. Green for joining two parts together and red for joining three parts together.

It is believed that the system came out in the late 1960s with Rasti-Mec coming first. It was renamed Super Mec shortly afterwards. Later (probably in the 1980s) the system was renamed Rasti Técnico. The system lasted until the early 1990s when the Argentinian factory shut and the production of Rasti transfered to Brazil. When production of Rasti recommenced again in Argentina in around 2007, Rasti Técnico had been dropped.

Rasti Técnico etc. can be used in conjunction with Rasti as the holes in a Rasti brick match those of Rasti Técnico etc. See photos below.

Also because the hole spacing of Rasti Técnico etc., is very close to 1/3 inch and the hole diameter slightly larger to take up the difference, Rasti Técnico can be used in conjunction with Meccano. See photos below.

The hole spacing is 8.375mm and the holes are 4.4mm diameter. The thickness of the parts is 2.4mm

Thanks very much to Edgardo Gorza for all the info and scans/photos on this system.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Knittax Argentina S.A., Argentina

Below there are various photos/manuals which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

The manual for a Rasti-Mec set 1
Note that it shows Rasti-Mec being used in conjunction with Rasti bricks.
(Added 04/10/2022)

The manual for Super Mec sets 4 and 5
(Added 04/10/2022)

The manual for Rasti Técnico sets 2000 and 4000
(Added 04/10/2022)

Photos of Rasti Técnico sets
(Added 04/10/2022)

Dimensions of Rasti Técnico parts
(Added 04/10/2022)

Using Rasti Técnico parts with Rasti bricks
(Added 04/10/2022)

A model built with both Rasti Técnico parts and Rasti bricks
(Added 04/10/2022)

Using Rasti Técnico parts with Meccano
(Added 04/10/2022)